1. Nobody Gains from Dollar Cost Averaging Analytical, Numerical and Empirical Results-JR Knight, L Mandell, Financial Services Review, 1993
Dollar Cost Averaging is an investment system that is widely advocated by brokerage firms and mutual funds. In its best known form, an investor seeking to put a lump sum into risky assets is counseled to invest the money over a period of time in equal installments in order to avoid the devastating effect of a market fall immediately after a single, lump-sum investment. Using graphical analysis, historical stock market returns, and Monte Carlo simulations, this article demonstmtes that no such benefit accrues to a Dollar Cost Averaging Strategy. Two alternative strategies, optimal rebalancing and buy and hold achieve better performance in all three analyses.
這一篇文章比較了三種投資策略:定期定額(Dollar Cost Avemging)、單次投入(Lump Sum),單次投入又分為最佳化再平衡(Optimal Rebalancing,單筆買進後會執行再平衡)和買進持有(Buy and Hold)。三種策略比起來,定期定額不如其他兩個策略。
2. Mathematical Illusion: Why Dollar-Cost Averaging Does Not Work-by John G. Greenhut, Journal of Financial Planning, 2006
Executive Summary
- In spite of the weight of evidence provided in academic literature against the strategy of dollar-cost averaging, DCA continues to be practiced by investors and recommended by financial advisors.在學術文獻上並沒有明顯的證據支持定期定額這個策略,但投資人還是繼續使用,金融專家也持續建議。
- Beyond its psychological appeal, the popularity of the approach can be said to stem from simple illustrations that show DCA resulting in greater stock holdings across a stock market cycle than is achieved by a one-time, lump-sum investment. Alternatively presented, the average cost per share purchased under DCA is demonstrated, by example, to be less than the average price of stock over its cycle.除了心理學上的好處,定期定額之所以盛行是因為這個策略據說在經過一個股市週期之後,可以買到多於單筆投入的股數,或是換個方式說,定期定額的平均持有成本比較低。
- This paper challenges that illustration. It shows that variations in stock prices should not follow the mathematical pattern assumed in the examples. In fact, the price movement should follow a particular mathematical form that yields the same number of shares purchased, whether by DCA or lump-sum investing.這篇論文挑戰了這個說法。股價的變動並不是像定期定額說明的例子那樣,而是有一個特定的數學形式在變動,因此不管是定期定額或單筆投入,買到的股數應該都是一樣的。
- Absent any benefit from stock price volatility in reducing average cost, the performance of DCA rests on the trend in stock prices, with DCA outperforming in downward markets and lump sum outperforming in upward markets. Since the latter case is the norm over time, customary empirical findings in the finance literature of underperformance by DCA are explained.既然定期定額本身並沒有辦法降低持股的平均成本,那麼這兩個策略的績效差異其實是來自於股市的趨勢,在往下走的股市定期定額表現得比較好,而在往上走的股市單筆投入表現得比較好。因為過去長期以來市場大多往上走,所以這就是為什麼在財經文獻裡面定期定額的績效都比較差。
- The theory in this paper is confirmed by examining a broad sample of stocks, contrasted over the high-growth trend in the second half of the 1990s against the general market malaise over the following half-decade. In the absence of this trend, DCA and lump sum provide equivalent results.這篇論文用很多的股票和很長的時間(1995-2004)來檢驗理論,有五年的上行和五年的下行,如果沒有這些趨勢,其實定期定額和單筆投入的結果是一樣的。
Conclusion:Whether DCA is practiced by investors should be based on their psychological makeup (for example, aversion to regret) and their outlook for stocks, not on an overly simplistic and misleading representation of how stock prices vary.
「股價的變動並不是像定期定額說明的例子那樣」這句話是什麼意思呢?定期定額最常引用的是Bierman and Hass (2004)這篇文章中的例子。假設起始價位為100元,上漲和下跌50%的機率各為一半,如果戶頭裡面有9000元可投資,那麼單筆投入就是以100元的價位買了90股,而定期定額的話就是各花3000元在三個時間點買,價位分別為100, 150, 50,所以總共買到30+20+60=110股,平均價格約為82,比單筆投入的90少。
可是股價是這樣變動的嗎?如果股價是先漲50%,再跌50%,那麼每一期的股價其實是100, 150, 75,總共買到30+20+40=90股。這個狀況下是不是跟單筆投入一樣呢?平均持有成本都是100元。那麼你認為哪一種情況比較接近股市的價位變化呢?作者認為是第二個情節,因為股價的變化大多是以前期價格,而不是以起始價格的百分比去變動,況且50-150這種高低點的差異太大了。
3. Dollar-cost Averaging:An Investigation-Wei Fang's Dissertation, 2007
Dollar-cost Averaging (DCA) is a common and useful systematic investment strategy for mutual fund managers, private investors, financial analysts and retirement planners. The issue of performance effectiveness of DCA is greatly controversial among academics and professionals. As a popularly recommended investment strategy, DCA is recognized as a risk reduction strategy; however, the advantage was claimed as the expense of generating higher returns.
The dissertation is to intensively investigate the performances of DCA in light of the literatures comprehensively researched by previous thinkers. Using Monte Carlo simulation, the reviewed outcomes are confirmed by scientifically tests that DCA strategy is superior to reduce risk, but it is inferior to LS strategy in terms of effectiveness to produce returns. Although providing outperformances by investing in less volatile assets, it is more suitable to be applied for more risky investments in comparison with LS.
這是一本研究生的論文,他找出定期定額相關的文獻(27篇),並自己做模擬分析。結論是定期定額可以降低風險,但是和單筆投入在報酬上比起來是比較差的。在他回顧的文獻中,有41%認為定期定額不如單筆投入,有22%認為定期定額比單筆投入好,剩下的37%是Mixed opinions on DCA。因為這些特性,所以作者認為可以對風險高的做定期定額,風險低的就單筆投入。
- DCA strategy is reducing risk strategy. But it is inferior to LS strategy in terms of effectiveness to generate returns.
- Generally, DCA strategies have better performance by investing in less volatile assets. However, compared with LS, DCA is suitable to be applied for investments with more risky underlying assets due to its significant ability to hedge risk.
這個表是以S&P 500過去的資料,用軟體以蒙地卡羅的統計方法跑一千次模擬單筆投資(LS)和定期定額(DCA),結果顯示單筆投資會比定期定額獲得更好的年報酬。原文還有幾個類似的表,用不同的資料,但結果都很類似。不過定期定額的風險則是比單筆投入小。
Comments:所以投資人在使用定期定額之前,最好先瞭解自己的投資需求是否真的適合使用定期定額。我的建議是,如果你已經存有一筆打算用來投資的資金,不妨趁熊市單筆投入壓低成本,像是今年三月那種機會十年才一次!而現在價位S&P 500在1000左右雖然已經從最低點漲了50%,但是距離歷史高點也還有50%的空間,並不算貴。
如果S&P 500還有機會來到666這種低點,你會高興還是難過?我會很高興,因為可以買到這麼便宜的好貨,除非我沒有錢可以買了,那我就真的會很難過了。