原文出處:William Bernstein: Wild Ride Hasn’t Changed ‘Verities’ Of Investing
Olivier Ludwig:What would be your advice to young investors, kids just getting out of college and in their first jobs?
William Bernstein:Take your time and use that time to inform yourself. Read John Bogle, read Burton Malkiel; learn about the mendacity of the financial-services industry and learn about the basics of asset allocation. Get your feet wet very slowly, and encounter your first bear market with a relatively low equity allocation, say 30 or 40 percent. Then, slowly through your young adulthood raise your allocation to where your real risk tolerance is. You become a lean, disciplined investor that way.
But that’s not the way most people approach it. The worst thing you can do is to invest all your 401(k) assets at age 20 into the best-performing equity fund in your plan and then five years later watch that $30,000 get cut in half. You’ll swear off stocks for the rest of your life.
Young people aren’t terribly risk tolerant. There’s a wonderful expression that Navy pilots use to describe their first landing on an aircraft carrier: It’s like losing your virginity and being in a car crash at the same time. In the same way, your first experience with a bear market is something you’ll never forget.
中譯:William Bernstein認為剛出社會的年輕人在找到第一份工作的時候,對投資不必太著急,應該先花時間認清自己,然後閱讀John Bogle和Burton Malkiel的書,學習關於金融產業的謊言,也學習一些資產配置的基礎知識。不需要太快讓自己投入市場,在你的資產配置中,先讓股票佔大約三四成左右就好,直到你第一次遇到熊市。然後,慢慢增加你資產配置中股票的比例,直到符合你真正的風險忍受程度,這樣你將會變成一個幹練而有紀律的投資人。
good read. thanks.