

  • Marshall, P.S., “A Statistical Comparison of Value Averaging vs. Dollar-Cost Averaging and Purely Random Investing Techniques”, Journal of Financial&Strategic Decision Making, Vol. 13, Issue1, 2000.
  • Marshall, P.S., “A Multi-market, Historical Comparison of the Investment Returns of Value Averaging, Dollar Cost Averaging and Random Investment Techniques”, Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, Sep, 2006.
As the title suggests, this paper compares two “formula” or mechanical investment techniques, dollar cost averaging and a relatively new proposal, value averaging, to a form of random investing to determine if any technique yields superior investment performance. Results indicate that value averaging does provide superior expected investment returns when investment prices are quite volatile and over extended investment time horizons with little or no increase in risk. These results are quite surprising based on other research supporting the Efficient Market Hypothesis and the fact that any actual performance attributed to value averaging does not result from any temporary inefficiency in market prices.

As the title suggests, this paper compares two "formula" or mechanical investment techniques, value averaging (VA) and dollar cost averaging, to a form of random investing to determine if any technique yields superior investment return performance. The tests use historical market prices of chosen stock and commodity indices. Results seem to indicate that value averaging does provide a small but still superior expected investment returns under most conditions. Due to the relatively few real world "experiences" available, these results can only be anecdotally and not statistically confirmed at a high confidence level. Actual investment results reported here are consistent with prior statistically significant research supporting a small investment performance advantage for value averaging versus both other techniques using simulation to approximate market activity. Evidence builds that VA works!


在Introduction裡面,作者提到了他們先在1994年比較過定期定額和隨機投資(random investment techniques),統計的結果顯示在99%的信心下,這兩個方法投資表現沒有統計上的顯著差異,而在95%的信心下,這兩個方法的風險(標準差)是一樣的。然後作者談了一下效率市場,接著就提起Value Averaging這本書,並且認為這應該是很大的進展,但也很疑惑為什麼學術界並沒有針對價值平均法再做測試,所以他這篇文章就打算測試價值平均法是否真的有更高的報酬,但是風險卻不會提高太多。

接下來作者就準備了三組數據做測試,分別是Rising Market、Declining Market和Fluctuating Market(嘿!跟這系列第一篇我所提供的三種情節一樣。)結果顯示VA都比DCA好,賺的時候賺比較多,賠的時候賠比教少,但是其實差異不大。而作者提到其實VA的書裡面認為應該要有10%的價值隨時間增長,也就是第一期400,第二期不應該只有800而應該是840,所以又做了一次比較,結果也是差不多的,甚至在Fluctuating Market,VA勝過DCA超過3%。下圖就是原始版的DCA和VA比較:
接下來作者做了500次模擬,比較VA vs. DCA and Random這三種投資方法,並且用F-test做統計檢驗,比較各種方法的IRR(內部報酬率)有沒有顯著差異。使用的資料是S&P 500從1966-1989,任取五年500次,而所謂的隨機投資則是每個投入點會有50%的機率選擇要或不要投資,而投資的金額則是DCA的150%和250%,兩種金額機率也各50%,累積下來總投入的金額期望值會跟DCA一樣(很簡單的數學,算一下的確如此)。而這樣做有三個好處:1. 很像真實的投資行為。2. 投入金額期望值和其他方法一樣。3. 和作者之前的文章使用相同的方法,可以直接做比較。(我想重點是第三個)



Results strongly suggest, believe it or not, that value averaging does actually provide a performance advantage over dollar-cost averaging and random investment techniques, without incurring additional risk. As might be expected from a technique that does outperform, the higher the price variability and the longer the investment time horizon the better. Each gives value averaging the time and the opportunity to work its “magic”. The results are amazing and Dr. Edleson should be congratulated on seemingly important work in developing value averaging.
However, peer review of this work and other tests of value averaging are important steps to confirm or refute these findings. Finally, results also suggest that there is no statistical difference between DCA and random investment techniques either in expected return or in risk avoidance, thus confirming the earlier work of Marshall and Baldwin.




2 則留言:

  1. 版大您好,看完您的「定期定額九述」,小弟有些疑問想請教您。小弟本來以一般型海外基金為主要且唯一的投資工具(那時候對台股沒興趣,感覺投資個股的風險太大),後來接觸了指數型基金,有了轉換跑道的想法,不過一開始礙於匯款成本及開戶、退稅等問題而裹足不前,想說先以台股的台灣50為投資標的,今日有幸在書店看到綠角大介紹指數型投資的專書,一掃心中的疑慮決定義無反顧的投入,就到版大的網誌研究一下怎麼挑選基金及資產配置,進而看到這篇「定期定額九述」。原本小弟心中僅有定期定額一個方式,看完後小弟才發現,原來ETF也可以利用技術分析來決定買賣的時點,這讓小弟有個想法,之前想改買台灣50時,就想以技術分析來操作,既然海外的ETF也可以這樣操作,那何必要買海外的ETF,買台灣50不就好了?不僅開戶方便,也不用擔心匯率的問題,相關資訊也較容易取得,不過缺點也很明顯,選擇太少且沒辦法達到平衡的資產配置,所以想請教版大,這個在國內的「優缺點」如果換成海外ETF,是不是「缺點」遠大於「優點」,所以才會選擇投資海外ETF呢?感謝您~

  2. 使用均線等技術分析判斷買賣點是Tom Lydon等推薦的,有興趣可以去Amazon找他的書,但典型的指數型投資應該不會使用技術分析判斷買賣點。當然,使用技術分析如果有紀律,也算是一種被動,而Tom Lydon雖然證明這種方法過去可行,但未來還有沒有效,沒有人知道。至於台灣和海外的問題,就看個人抉擇吧!國內其實台灣五十和現金定存也一樣可以配置阿!海外最大的優點是不會把雞蛋都放在台灣這一個籃子,可以投資全世界。畢竟,誰會成為下一個日本,沒有人知道,台灣當然也有可能。
